- 2009-04-02新喀里多尼亞
- 2009-04-02愛爾蘭Ireland
- 2009-04-02羅馬尼亞Romania
- 2009-04-02波蘭共和國
- 2009-04-02比利時(shí)The Kingdom of Belgium
- 2009-04-02匈牙利The Republic of Hungary
- 2009-04-02塞浦路斯
- 2009-04-02德國The Federal Republic Of Germany
- 2009-04-02瑞士The Swiss Confederation
- 2009-04-02阿爾巴尼亞共和國The Republic of Albania
- 2009-04-02瑞典The Kingdom of Sweden
- 2009-04-02丹麥The Kingdom of Denmark
- 2009-04-02保加利亞
- 2009-04-02希臘The Hellenic Republic
- 2009-04-02芬蘭The Republic of Finland
- 2009-04-02克羅地亞
- 2009-04-02意大利The Republic of Italy
- 2009-04-02荷蘭The Kingdom of the Netherland
- 2009-04-02愛沙尼亞共和國Republic of Estonia
- 2009-04-02英國The United Kingdom of Great Britain
- 2009-04-02西班牙Spain
- 2009-04-02挪威The Kingdom of Norway
- 2009-04-02法國The French Republic
- 2009-04-02葡萄牙The Portuguese Repubic
- 2009-04-02列支敦士登公國
- 2009-04-02冰島The Republic of Iceland
- 2009-04-02奧地利The Republic of Austria